I was just thinking about how we all go through "stuff" that makes us feel like things may not ever get any better than they are right now. As flaud and selfish individuals we often say things like, "why is this happening to me?". We all encounter seasons in our lifes where we think things can't get much worse, then inevitably they do. Famous last words, right...These are the valleys of life. Will things ever get any better than they are right now?
The opposite side of that is the mountain top experience. Life is great, everyone is your friend, you're getting good grades, you're pleasing your spouse, you're performing at work, your kid's look at you like you're Superman, your lawn is perfectly manicured, your parents think you are the greatest son (or daughter) ever and you have a dozen hallmark cards to prove it...just in general, life is great. And you thing, is it possible for life to ever get any better than this?
To speak to the first, the valley, I want to remind you...people always say that you have to go through the valley to appreciate the beauty of the mountain. But, I've also heard it said that you have to go through the valley to appreciate the beauty of the valley. This is profound because, again we must remind ourselves, we are not the only ones who go through valleys. The victory that you find in coming out of your valley could help to pull someone else out. Do we look for opportunities to encourage the discouraged and love the unlovely?
So, how about the mountain? Well, occasionally you're going to piss someone off (oh, can I say piss on here?), you're going to flunk an exam, you're going to forget to put your underwear in the dirty clothes hamper, you're going to be late to work, your kids will become embarassed by you, you'll get weeds in your yard, and you will forget to call your mom on her birthday.
The thing that struck me tonight though is...how do we respond to our God when we are in the "valley" or on the "mountain top"? Because you see, whatever you are getting is better than what you deserve. Have you ever given much thought to that? We all deserve an eternity seperated from the One good thing that is in this world...a loving Creator. I bet you didn't see this blog going to the "you're a scum bag" thing, huh? This is the truth though. We are so conditional. If life is all good, we are all good and singing the praises of our goodness. If life sucks, we are sour and not much fun to be around.
Aren't you glad God's love and favor is not as conditional as we are? He loves with an everlasting love.
Though your sorrow may last for the night...joy comes in the morning. Now, how will your face today. Will your circumstances dictate your attitude and love for people?
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