Thursday, September 24, 2009


I just had a passing thought tonight as I was speaking with Jesus...and here it is...

When we pray for wisdom, what is it that we are expecting God to do?
No seriously, think about it...

James 1:5 says that if anyone lacks wisdom, he should ask God who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.

Now, this is where I get caught up in my mind...I ask God for wisdom and He gives it to me generously without finding fault in me. HE gives it...without finding fault in ME!

So, I began to ask God specifically to give me clarity in this verse...and this is what He taught me...if I am asking God for wisdom then I need to be ready for something supernatural to happen.

Why is this true:
1.) because I, left to my own devises, am an idiot
2.) if God is active in it, it is automatically supernatural
3.) if He is looking at me as though I have no fault then He is seeing me through the redemptive power of His Son's blood which has rescued me from being the wretched man who has no hope outside of the cross of Christ. There is nothing more supernatural than the Gospel.

All of that to say, if you are truly seeking Godly wisdom, then ask Him for it...but you must be ready for Him to do something supernatural...which, let's just be honest, makes us all a little uncomfortable...

Asking Christ to make me uncomfortable as He stirs my affections for what is close to His heart tonight.

That's all I got...


Unknown said...

Thanks for the reminder, I needed that.


Pam Snow said...

Good stuff Son. I love it.