We had a special offering at Gateway Fellowship the last two weeks to raise money for...
Our pastor, Trent Brown (follow that link to watch a video from his last trip and read more details about the work in the DR) after a recent trip to the Dominican Republic over Christmas, came back with a lot of ideas on how we can begin to help support some of the villages and batays in and around Boca Chica and San Pedro. We will begin a strategic partnership with some missionaries on the ground in this area.
The first project we decided to take on will be to provide a village with chickens.
Trent was told that for about $250 we can provide a village with a chicken coupe and enough chickens to not only help with food but will also give some of the people in the village an opportunity to build a small business. They can take the eggs to neighboring villages and market places and sale them or possibly barter them for something else.
I want you to just think for a moment how quickly you can spend $250. Some people will spend that in one weekend of entertainment and recreation (and pretty easily).
After two weekends our small church has brought in almost enough money to provide two villages with chickens. This is just the beginning for Gateway Fellowship and our response to this new opportunity that has been placed before us. A small team of us will be going back in July and continue some of the good work that has been started and begin dreaming about future doors that may be opened. From then on, we plan on taking groups down each year.
Obviously, this is about more than chickens...
The Gospel calls us to take Good News to the nations. Our hope and prayer is that Christ would use chickens to bring people out of darkness into his marvelous light. If you would like to help, shoot me a message...we'll name a chicken after you!!!
For the praise of His glory,
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