I don't know where you stand on the issue of using spanking as a form of disciplining your children. While I grew up in a family that believe in it, if you ask my mom, I simply never needed one...I was just such an angel all the time. My wife and I believe in it whole heartedly.
It's really difficult though, when you have a three year old and another one pushing two, to know if the way you are disciplining your children is working. We know it is important to discipline and correct but when they continue to do the thing that you are trying to get them to not do, you have to question it...while you are pulling your hair out! Today I saw evidence that shows me that, while it's very difficult and tears your heart out to have to discipline and correct, it's worth it.
Jacob (3) and Eli (almost 2) were sitting at the kitchen table having their lunch as I watched from the living room. Eli is our eater, will eat anything put in front of him...and very quickly I might add. He had polished off his cheese and his bowl of fruit and wanted more. So, he asked Jacob..."Jacob, I more?" To which Jacob responds, "Here E, you can have some of mine..." To which Eli responds, "Oh, tank you Jacob" (I misspelled "thank" on purpose...he's two remember). Jacob shared some of his cheese and some of his fruit with Eli. Seems like such a small thing but when you hear these two arguing and fighting all day over the issue of not sharing what you have, it's huge. I literally sat in the living room worshipping God in that moment...I know it sounds so over spiritual to say that, but get off of my back, you're not the one who has to pass out all of these spankings. I was literally filled with joy over this small interaction between my children.
And this is why...think of the spiritual implications of what happened today. What if in a simply moment at the lunch table my children start to understand the importance of sharing what you have with someone else? What if my two young children become life time sharers after today? What if they always think about the needs of others more than they think about their own needs? All of a sudden this is really starting to sound like a sermon Jesus would teach.
What makes it even more difficult is taking this "lesson" and turning it back on me. Does Christ look at me from time to time and think, "Are the spankings really working?" Do you think He ever wonders, "How many times am I going to have to teach this lesson?" Because I assure you, I am much more thick headed than my children.
I want to live my life with open hands. Understanding that nothing that I have is truly mine but it was all given to me by Him to glorify His name, to make Him more famous and to push back what is dark in the world. I want my children to learn to live this way also. I hope one day they begin to understand that I didn't spank them because I didn't love them, I wasn't out to steal their joy, but ultimately I was trying to increase their joy.
Will I ever learn this lesson from my Father?
God Help Me!
1 comment:
Beautiful story Son. Made me cry.
Now I feel really guilty b/c I didn't spank you, even if you didn't need it. Dang it! Can I start now?
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