Saturday, July 14, 2012

DR2012 Day 2: Santa Alicia

Today we built what has been called "The Taj Mahal of chicken coops". Granted, we are the ones who called it that but that's not really what's important.

The thing that will never escape my mind and my heart were the faces of the men in this batay as they sat under a shade tree and watched as we worked. These are men who work very hard in the sugar cane fields for next to nothing, (without a doubt, the most poverty stricken place I have ever seen with my own eyes) watch a group of American men serve them. As we spoke with Julio (our missionary friend here), he explained that because of the poverty of these Haitians, they most likely have never been served by anyone.

In all reality, it did not matter if we were building them a chicken coop or each of them their own mansion, they were so grateful...and you could see it in their eyes...and their smiles.

Micah 6:8
He has told you, Oh man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.

Today, if you do not know what to pray or even how to pray, ask God for this.
Do justice...
Love kindness...
Walk humbly with a God who loves you infinitely more than you could ever imagine...


1 comment:

AmandaSnow said...

Sweet...I was out of town all last week...came home yesterday to celebrate my bday! Y'all have fun!! :) Be safe!!!