Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Mystery of Jesus Christ

Why is it that it seems almost everything Jesus did was mysterious? Think about it, you're the King of all creation and you are born in a stall in which animals eat. At no point did this "king" try to establish an earthly kingdom. Jews at this time would hear that this is the Messiah of whom the prophets spoke so they are thinking that he has come to re-establish the throne of David and to reconcile this kingdom, yet ultimately it would look drastically different than what they were thinking. Even today, people constantly connect Jesus to "religion" yet if there was one thing that consistently got him riled up was the religious leaders and their self righteousness and their "thank you God I'm not like this guy" attitudes. He taught the law in a way that no one had heard before. Things like, "you've heard it said not to kill but I tell you that if you have hatred in your heart you've committed the same sin", or "you've heard not to commit adultery but I tell you even if you look on a women lustfully, you've committed the same sin". He invited people over and over throughout the Gospels to come and follow him, yet when a rich young ruler came and ask how to inherit eternal life he told him he had to go sale everything he had and give it to the poor, then he could follow him...but wait, he didn't ask anyone else to do that (that we know of). The story goes on to say that the man walked away disappointed...why? Because he had a lot of stuff and he wasn't willing to part with it.
So, why such a mystery? Why does it seem at times to be so hard to put this Jesus in a nice need package for everyone to believe in and receive? I mean, isn't that what he wants? So, why make it so difficult to present?
I do know this, Jesus was always more interested in the heart of the individual than he was with their actions. You see you can give the appearance of having it all together on the outside, meanwhile your life is falling apart on the inside. The things Jesus said about killing and committing adultery, the righteous indignation he had towards religious leaders and even the fact that he asked that one guy to sale his stuff and give it away before he could follow him...all of these things point back to what is in a man's heart.
These are the mysteries of Christ that at times seem so hard to grasp...
Christ help us...because we need you!
I've just been wrestling with this...just wanted to share...


Anonymous said...

Zach b
this is awesome and really blessed my heart. Thanks for writing it. Of course, i'm your biggest fan (besides Susan!).


Pam Snow said...

Son..... I am always amazed at how wonderfully Jesus uses you to speak words that will light up other people inside... Me being one of those people. I love you and I thank God every single day for a Son who loves Jesus like you do. You have always been a constant source of joy and love for me.
Lets say that I am your "oldest, biggest fan, for the longest time". ha!