This kind of feels like I'm holding an online press conference (via a blog) to announce my retirement from Facebook...or is it going to be more like a messy break up.
I've been a faithful "Facebooker" for about 4 years now. I remember the 160 character days, I remember exchanging the little buttons and pinning them on your wall, I remember taking the quizzes to see how much you know about The Office, and of course the Farmville craze of '09.
Facebook became a great way to waste valuable time...
Since I started my career as a professional educator one year ago, I have sat in many district meetings as well as other workshops and trainings. In that time, there have been very few of these meetings, that the facilitator did not, as some point in their talk, mention the liability that FB can be. They would talk about friends or co-workers of theirs that lost their jobs because of something on FB. Typically, it was because they entered into a relationship that they should never have entered into, but it could also be because of a misunderstanding of a relationship because someone was "friends" with another person on FB.
To me, it's just an unnecessary risk...
I have been very careful with my FB, never accepting "friend request" from students and being very cautious as to what I post on my wall. However, there are things posted by others that I have no control over. A "friend" of mine could very easily post that they think something is "retarded" (which is a term that, more and more, makes me very angry) or that they think something is "gay" (which is another term that bothers me more and more). These are just a couple of real life examples. And, if you are familiar with the term "guilty by associations" then you can understand my concerns. These things can be posted on my wall and any number of people can see it before I have an opportunity to delete the comment (since you cannot do this from your mobile devise...or maybe I just do not know how to do this from my mobile devise).
Do you know that Human Resource people will gain access to your FB (whether you accept a friend request from them or not)? They will check up on you before they schedule an interview with you. They will see how you spend your leisure time. They will check to see if your lifestyle is going to be a liability to their organization. This is just the times we are living in.
I plan on being in public education for the remainder of my working life. I plan on pursuing a master's degree in education and maybe down the road going into administration. There are certain things I simply do not want myself tied to.
Goodbye Facebook and seriously, it's not you...it's me...
Zach and Susan Snow
I have tried to "break up" with FB a few times and it stalked me. Your previous posts and photos are NEVER really deleted and they send you postcards. Creepy, I know.
I wish you the best in life and hope to run into you somewhere one day. If not here then in Heaven and we'll have a long chat about the faithfulness and goodness of God!
Blessings~ Robin Osteen
PS- Pray that God will speak clearly to me when and how to make the same break. I'm hoping Google+ won't end up being a "rebound" relationship. LOL!
Although you will be missed Zach, it is a very wise decision. Best luck with your career Zach :)
Ha!! On not anonymous...I'm Scissorhands!!!
well said. fagitchudensucka to facebook!
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