I'm back in Dallas now but I wanted to continue what I started on the session that Josh Loveless did at LeadNow+Orlando on Morphoo: A Holistic Blueprint for Spiritual Formation.
I'll pick up on the second part (to see the first part see the post below):
Inviting Jesus into my GIFTS AND TALENTS ::
...do I know my spiritual gifts and/or my core strengths?
...what spiritual gifts and/or core strengths are not being used?
...what am I passionate about?
...am I deeply passionate about the things I'm giving my time to?
...am I using my time and talents to invest into the lives of people or mostly for selfish gain?
Inviting Jesus into my FINANCIAL LIFE ::
...am I being obedient to the tithe?
...how am I allowing the Spirit to influence the allocation of the other 90%?
...what am I doing about paying down debt or staying out of further debt?
...do I need to create a budget or change the one I have?
...am I consistently paying my bills on time?
...do I know my currenct credit score and do I need help seeing it repaired?
Inviting Jesus into my RELATIONAL LIFE ::
...what needs to change in my relationship with my spouse?
...what needs to change in my relationship with my children?
...what needs to change in my relationship with my mom?
...what needs to change in my relationship with my dad?
...what needs to change in my relationship with my brother and sister?
...what needs to change in my dating relationship? (if you answered the one about your spouse you shouldn't need to answer this one...again we are talking about spiritual formations)
...what needs to change about the 1-3 closest relationships in my life?
...what needs to change about the 4-10 good frineds in my life?
...what needs to change about my relationship with everyone else?
...am I putting myself in environments that will open up relationships with people that are far from God? (the third place)
...is there anyone that I should be pursuing to mentor me?
...is there anyone that I should be pursuing to mentor?
Inviting Jesus into my PHYSICAL LIFE ::
...what are the things on my pending personal "to do" list?
...how might I need to change my eating patterns?
...how might I need to change my exercise plan?
Inviting Jesus into my EMOTIONAL LIFE ::
...how do I need to further my journey of understanding the value of my heart and emotions?
...where is my identity as a person coming from?
...am I pursuing the answer to the question, "why do I do what I do?"
...what root issues have I discovered in my life?
...what fears are holding me back in who I'm becoming and what I'm doing with my life?
As you read this I want you to think along the lines of personal formations or disciplship. Are we willing to answer these questions honestly or will we continue to throw up the smoke screen of "having it all together"?
To catch the first part of this read the post below.
That's all I have for now...