I love being a dad! I've said this before but seriously, there is nothing about being a dad that I do not love. The list includes but is not limited to wrestling in the living room floor, taking batting practice in the back yard, quiet moments of snuggle time (which are few and far between), watching TV with them in my lap, waking up during the middle of the night because they need me to "lay down with them for a few minutes", changing diapers (which we are almost finished with), making lunches which usually consist of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, taking drives, going to the day care on Saturday morning to set up the church, camping out (even if it just consist of setting up the inflatable mattress in the living room), taking bike rides and pulling them in the stroller behind me and of course learning new things about Jesus from them.
My children have taught me more about Jesus than any of my professors in Bible college. I continue to be overwhelmed by grace.
Thank you Jesus for my boys and giving me the opportunity and the incredible weight of nurturing their faith while they learn more about you. Allow me to simply be a tree that they may climb in order to get a better glimpse of you.
For the Praise of Your Glory,
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