Here's the first story I received:
"I was a "regular kid", but wondered what this "Jesus", "saved", "Heaven" was about. I was scared that I was going to miss it. I think it was the summer before 4th grade.....my best friend and I were attending VBS. I kept hearing stories from the Bible and they all were about Jesus, Heaven, and being saved. I remember wondering how I could make sure that I had all of those things. While finishing a craft from the VBS in my friend's garage the Friday evening of that week, I asked, "How can I know for sure that I am going to Heaven?" She simply answered, "It's easy. All you have to do is tell Jesus that you believe he died on the cross to save you." That evening in her bed. I remember telling Jesus, "Jesus, that stuff Amanda was talking about.....I want that."
He answered my cry, and has continued to lead me with wisdom and lavish blessing, upon blessing......I don't know why. Every desire of my heart thus far, He has given! (His timing of course!!)
Through years of growing pains, I've grown to understand grace and understand how small I am in comparison to Him. He's brought me to a place of perfect peace in Him. And even though I'm understand that I'm am a "worm" He has given me the gift of walking in freedom, for that is why Christ has set me free....and I am free indeed.....
Christ has given me a new heart that longs for people to know Him so they may be free as well. He's challenged me to truly rely on Him for my every need, not just claim to. He's challenged me to be a giver to meet needs. He's challenged me to look my fears in the eye and overcome them through His strength alone. He's shown me what He can do when I obey and let Him have control.
I'm amazed......"
Stay tuned, more to come.
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